Results Hotel arrivals per category 2023

Results Hotel arrivals per category 2023

In this module you can see the number of monthly arrivals in 'official accomodation' per classifaction:

  • 1 and 2 star classified establishments
  • 3 star classified establishments
  • 4 star classified establishments
  • 5 star classified establishments
  • Non-classified establishments
lowest monthly total
30 570 (January)
highest monthly total
60 622 (July)
Percentage change (after corrections)
Name hotel arrivals per category Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Arrivals per category - 1&2 stars 2 845 3 389 4 237 4 316 5 458 5 675 5 150 4 978 5 637 5 065 4 708 3 937 55 395
Arrivals per category - 3 stars 7 425 8 308 11 113 12 909 13 074 13 257 14 356 13 948 13 882 14 084 12 348 9 502 144 206
Arrivals per category - 4 stars 11 459 12 276 15 573 16 767 22 648 22 302 23 205 22 572 21 571 18 972 17 157 14 890 219 392
Arrivals per category - 5 stars 3 642 4 341 4 994 4 581 6 196 6 787 7 814 6 217 7 025 5 776 5 333 5 729 68 435
Arrivals per category - no classification 5 199 4 739 5 707 6 110 7 574 7 971 10 097 9 830 9 228 8 264 8 843 9 666 93 228
TOTAL 30 570 33 053 41 624 44 683 54 950 55 992 60 622 57 545 57 343 52 161 48 389 43 724 580 656
Average number of hotel arrivals 6 114 6 610,6 8 324,8 8 936,6 10 990 11 198,4 12 124,4 11 509 11 468,6 10 432,2 9 677,8 8 744,8 9 677,6
Change compared with average comparison year 143,6 -234 -422 -157,8 -437,4 -491,4 -266,5
Percentage change 2,4% -3,4% -4,8% -1,7% -3,8% -4,2% -3,0%
Percentage change (after corrections) 2,4% -3,4% -4,8% -1,7% -3,8% -4,2% -3,0%