Results Hotel arrivals per category 2024

Results Hotel arrivals per category 2024

In this module you can see the number of monthly arrivals in 'official accomodation' per classifaction:

  • 1 and 2 star classified establishments
  • 3 star classified establishments
  • 4 star classified establishments
  • 5 star classified establishments
  • Non-classified establishments
lowest monthly total
29 852 (January)
highest monthly total
58 449 (June)
Percentage change (after corrections)
+ 3,10%
Name hotel arrivals per category Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Arrivals per category - 1&2 stars 2 845 3 087 4 371 4 049 5 701 4 937 24 990
Arrivals per category - 3 stars 7 878 9 281 11 465 11 473 13 883 13 503 67 483
Arrivals per category - 4 stars 10 361 10 757 14 885 16 001 20 916 21 609 94 529
Arrivals per category - 5 stars 3 076 4 614 4 827 4 895 6 815 7 856 32 083
Arrivals per category - no classification 5 692 6 484 8 186 9 054 9 822 10 544 49 782
TOTAL 29 852 34 223 43 734 45 472 57 137 58 449 268 867
Average number of hotel arrivals 5 970,4 6 844,6 8 746,8 9 094,4 11 427,4 11 689,8 8 962,2
Change compared with average comparison year -143,6 234 422 157,8 437,4 491,4 266,5
Percentage change -2,3% 3,5% 5,1% 1,8% 4,0% 4,4% 3,1%
Percentage change (after corrections) -2,3% 3,5% 5,1% 1,8% 4,0% 4,4% 3,1%