Results Geneva International Airport (Global) 2024

Results Geneva International Airport (Global) 2024

Aéroport International de Genève (Global) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
TOTAL 1 375 555 1 499 676 1 650 136 1 505 345 1 450 637 7 481 349
Average number of number of passengers 1 375 555 1 499 676 1 650 136 1 505 345 1 450 637 1 496 269,8
Change compared with average comparison year 61 697 179 864 200 335 140 982 135 675 143 710,6
Percentage change 4,7% 13,6% 13,8% 10,3% 10,3% 10,6%
Percentage change (after corrections) 4,7% 13,6% 13,8% 10,3% 10,3% 10,6%